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最近项目使用到了“懒加载”,现在更新一般,因为平时主要使移动端的开发所以库文件使用的是zepto.js 。当然也可以和jQuery 通用。


 * Created by zhiqiang on 2015/10/14.
 * hpuhouzhiqiang@gmail.com
 * 图片的懒加载
function loadImgLazy(node) {
 var lazyNode = $('[node-type=imglazy]', node),
 mobileHeight, lazyOffSetHeight, tempHeight, currentNodeTop, imgObject,
 imgDataSrc, localUrl;

 localUrl = location.href;
 // 获取当前浏览器可视区域的高度
 mobileHeight = $(window).height();

 return function(co) {

 var conf = {
 'loadfirst': true,
 'loadimg': true

 for (var item in conf) {
 if (item in co) {
 conf[item] = co[item];

 var that = {};
 var _this = {};
 * [replaceImgSrc 动态替换节点中的src]
 * @param {[type]} tempObject [description]
 * @return {[type]} [description]
 _this.replaceImgSrc = function(tempObject) {
 var srcValue;

 $.each(tempObject, function(i, item) {
 imgObject = $(item).find('img[data-lazysrc]');
 imgObject.each(function(i) {
  imgDataSrc = $(this).attr('data-lazysrc');
  srcValue = $(this).attr('src');
  if (srcValue == '#') {
  if (imgDataSrc) {
  $(this).attr('src', imgDataSrc);

 * 首屏判断屏幕上是否出现imglazy节点,有的话就加载图片
 * @param {[type]} i) {  currentNodeTop [description]
 * @return {[type]} [description]
 _this.loadFirstScreen = function() {
 if (conf.loadfirst) {
 lazyNode.each(function(i) {
  currentNodeTop = $(this).offset().top;
  if (currentNodeTop < mobileHeight + 800) {

 _this.loadImg = function() {
 if (conf.loadimg) {
 $(window).on('scroll', function() {
  var imgLazyList = $('[node-type=imglazy]', node);
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

 that = {
 replaceImgSrc: _this.replaceImgSrc(),
 mobileHeight: mobileHeight,
 objIsEmpty: function(obj) {
 for (var item in obj) {
  return false;
 return true;
 destory: function() {
 if (_this) {
  $.each(_this, function(i, item) {
  if (item && item.destory) {
  _this = null;
 return that;
