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@echo off
rem ***************************************************************************
rem ** replaceChar.bat - command line arguments List       **
rem **                  **
rem ** %1 - ext_name         **
rem ** %2 - characters replaced      **
rem ** %3 - new characters        **
rem **                  **
rem ***************************************************************************
set ext_name=%1
set old_char=%2
set new_char=%3
if "%ext_name%" == "" goto warning
if "%old_char%" == "" goto warning
if "%new_char%" == "" goto warning
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a a=1
for %%x in (*.%ext_name%) do ( 
 for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%%x) do (
   set "var=%%i"
 if not !var!.==. (
  set "var=!var:%old_char%=%new_char%!"
  echo !var!!!a!.xml
set /a a=!a!+1
goto end
echo the tool replaceChar requires 3 command line arguments:
echo 1) ext name of file in which you want to replace some characters
echo 2) characters you want to be replaced
echo 3) new characters with which you want to replace some characeters
echo ***** end to replace characters *****
echo -

如果想修改后的文件名和原来的一样,可以把这一段“echo !var!!!a!.xml
”改成“echo !var!![path]%%x.xml