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关键字排名(Keyword Ranking)

Real-time ranking of keywords entered on search engines
Monitors all queries and lists last queries and top 10

File Name : keywordranking.hta
Requirement : IE6
Author : Jean-Luc Antoine
Submitted : 09/12/2003
Category : HTA
Remember : The file extension has to be *.HTA


复制代码 代码如下:
<title>Keyword Ranking, (c) Jean-Luc Antoine</title>
 BORDER="thick" BORDERSTYLE="normal"
 SYSMENU="yes" VERSION="0.3" WINDOWSTATE="normal">
<script language=vbscript>
Option Explicit
' Versions :
'  v0.3 Queries and words : simultaneously ranking
'  v0.2 New look, options, many SE
'   Multilingual system
'  v0.1 First draft, keyword rank and last queries
'Todo :
' Gérer systématiquement à la fois Keyword et Phrase
' Sur les keyword, permettre de zoomer (showmodeless) sur les phrases contenant le keyword pour connaître le ranking des variations
' Lister en permanence les mots-clefs monitorés avec leur occurence et permettre le même zoom
' Mettre en gras les keywords monitorés
' Temps de mesure
' Afficher pourcentage en plus du nb d'occurences
' Monitorer X mots-clefs et leur apparition/fréquence relative
' Faire bouton de refresh manuel si ça se bloque (location.reload())
' gérer les fenêtres lancées offline et non pas inline (intercepter events par showmodeless dialog)
' identifier nb de pages retournées par requete et indice de concurrence
' Permettre de sauver le résultat
' http://wordtracker.com/newsinput.txt

Const C_MaxList=20 '### Change this, predefined for TOP 20
Dim d,dw,a(),b(),f(),g(),i
Redim a(C_MaxList)
Redim b(C_MaxList)
For i=0 to C_MaxList-1
 a(i)=0 'Nb d'occurences
 b(i)="" 'Value
Redim f(C_MaxList)
Redim g(C_MaxList)
For i=0 to C_MaxList-1
 f(i)=0 'Nb d'occurences
 g(i)="" 'Value
Set d=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'queries
d.CompareMode=1 'vbTextCompare
Set dw=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'words
dw.CompareMode=1 'vbTextCompare

sub go(SE)
 Dim s,x,sq,s2,sw
 Select Case SE
 Case 0
  s=RegExpTest("pursuit\?query=.*?&", lycosfr.document.body.innerHTML,15)
 Case 1
  s=RegExpTest("pursuit\?query=.*?&", lycosde.document.body.innerHTML,15)
 Case 2
  s=RegExpTest("[^a-z]q=.*?&", fireballde.document.body.innerHTML,4)
 Case 3
  s=RegExpTest("\?qkw=.*?""", metacrawler.document.body.innerHTML,6)
 Case 4
  s=RegExpTest("return.cool\?query=.*?""", kanoodle.document.body.innerHTML,19)
 Case 5
  s=RegExpTest("/w.galaxy.com/b/q\?k.*?""", galaxy.document.body.innerHTML,21)
 Case Else
  msgbox "Unknown S.E. : " & SE
 End Select
 s="<pre>" & s & "</pre>"

 For x=0 to C_MaxList-1
  If a(x)>0 Then sq="<tr style='background-color:#eeeeee;'><td>" & a(x) & "</td><td>" & b(x) & "</td></tr>" & sq
 sq="<table style='border:1px solid #222222;'><tr style='background-color:#dddddd;'><th>Total</th><th>" & Disp(5) & "</th></tr>" & sq & "</table>"

 For x=0 to C_MaxList-1
  If f(x)>0 Then sw="<tr style='background-color:#eeeeee;'><td>" & f(x) & "</td><td>" & g(x) & "</td></tr>" & sw
 sw="<table style='border:1px solid #222222;'><tr style='background-color:#dddddd;'><th>Total</th><th>" & Disp(9) & "</th></tr>" & sw & "</table>"

 s2="<b>" & Disp(7) & " :</b> " & d.Count & "<br>"
 s2=s2 & "<table><tr><td valign=top>"
 s2=s2 & "<b>Top " & C_MaxList & " - " & Disp(5) & "</b><br>" & sq & "</td><td valign=top>"
 s2=s2 & "<b>Top " & C_MaxList & " - " & Disp(9) & "</b><br>" & sw & "</td><td valign=top>"
 s2=s2 & "   <b>" & Disp(6) & " :</b>" & s
 s2=s2 & "</td></tr></table>"
End Sub

Function RegExpTest(patrn, strng, Pos)
 Dim RetStr,regEx, regExw, Match,Matchw,Matches,Matchesw,Matchesws,k,i,j,x,s,w
 Set regEx=New RegExp
 Set regExw=New RegExp
 regEx.IgnoreCase=True   ' Set case insensitivity.
 regEx.Global=True   ' Set global applicability.
 Set Matches=regEx.Execute(strng)   ' Execute search.
 For Each Match in Matches
  s=Replace(s,"+"," ")
  s=Replace(s,"%20"," ")
  If s<>"" Then
   s=Replace(s,"%23","#"): s=Replace(s,"%25","%")
   If d.Exists(s) Then
    i=-1 'If more than the first value, insert it
    do while (a(i+1)<k) and (i<C_MaxList-1)
    if i>=0 Then 'i=where to be inserted
     For j=0 to C_MaxList-1
      If ucase(b(j))=ucase(s) Then
       Exit For
      End If
     For j=x+1 to i
    End If
    d.Add s,1
   End If
   RetStr=RetStr & d.Item(s) & "-" & s & vbCRLF

   'Extract Words
   Set Matchesw=regExw.Execute(s)
   For Each Matchw in Matchesw
    If Len(w)>2 Then
     If dw.Exists(w) Then
      i=-1 'If more than the first value, insert it
      do while (f(i+1)<k) and (i<C_MaxList-1)
      if i>=0 Then 'i=where to be inserted
       For j=0 to C_MaxList-1
        If ucase(g(j))=ucase(w) Then
         Exit For
        End If
       For j=x+1 to i
      End If
      dw.Add w,1
     End If
    End If
  End If
End Function


<script for=window event=onload>
<xscript for=window event=onbeforeunload>
Sub DoSave
  foo.setAttribute "content", foo.innerHTML
  foo.save "EditContent"
End Sub
sub DoLoad
  foo.load "EditContent"
  content = foo.getAttribute("content")
  if content<>"" Then foo.innerHTML=content
End Sub
Sub DoClear
  foo.innerHTML = ""
End Sub

Function Disp(x)
 Select case getlocale
 Case 1036,2060,3084,5132,4108 'French
 Select Case x
 Case 0 'sous-titre
  Disp="Outil d'analyse de requêtes - 1 backlink svp !"
 Case 1
  Disp="Votre liste de mots à monitorer :"
 Case 2
 Case 3
 Case 4
 Case 5
 Case 6
  Disp="Dernières requêtes"
 Case 7
  Disp="Nb de requêtes lues"
 Case 8
  Disp="Cliquez dans le menu pour activer l'analyse d'un moteur."_
   & " Recliquez pour la désactiver."
 Case 9
 Case Else
 End Select
 Case Else
 Select Case x
 Case 0 'sub title
  Disp="A linkware search engine analysis tool"
 Case 1
  Disp="Your keywords to monitor :"
 Case 2
 Case 3
 Case 4
 Case 5
 Case 6
  Disp="Last queries"
 Case 7
  Disp="Amount of scanned queries"
 Case 8
  Disp="Click above to start the queries analyzis on a specific search engine."_
   & " Click again to stop it."
 Case 9
 Case Else
 End Select
 End Select
End Function
Sub DispSE(x)
 Select Case x
 Case 0
  if lycosfr.location="about:blank" Then
  End If
 Case 1
  if lycosde.location="about:blank" Then
    & "includes/livesuche_iframe.htm?ergebnisse=&refresh="
  End If
 Case 2
  if fireballde.location="about:blank" Then
  End If
 Case 3
  if metacrawler.location="about:blank" Then
  End If
 Case 4
  if kanoodle.location="about:blank" Then
  End If
 Case 5
  if galaxy.location="about:blank" Then
  End If
 Case Else
  Msgbox "DispSE : not found - " & x
 End Select
End Sub

body,td,th,p{font-size: 11px;font-family: Tahoma,Arial;}
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.topmenu a:hover, .topmenu a:active{
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<body bgcolor=white text=black style="margin:2">
<a href=http://www.interclasse.com/scripts/keywordranking.php>
<img src=http://www.interclasse.com/pics/avatar.gif align=left border=0></a>

<H1 style="margin-bottom: 0px;">Keyword Ranking</H1><Script>document.write Disp(0)</Script>

<table class=topmenu border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<td width=60 id=rb> </td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" onClick='options.style.display="block"'>Options</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" Title="French" onclick="DispSE 0">Lycos.fr</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" Title="Deutsch" onclick="DispSE 1">Lycos.de</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" Title="Deutsch" onclick="DispSE 2">firball.de</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" Title="MetaSpy" onclick="DispSE 3">MetaCrawler</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" onclick="DispSE 4">Kanoodle</a></td>
<td id=rb width=80><a href="#" onclick="DispSE 5">Galaxy</a></td>
<td width=60> </td>
<script>document.write Disp(8)</script><br>

<div id=options style="display:none;width:180;border:1px dashed #222222;background-color:#D0D0D0">
<script>document.write Disp(1)</script>
<div id=foo class=userData contentEditable=true style="margin=4;width:170;height:14;border:1px solid;background-color:white"></div>
 <button onClick='DoSave()'><script>document.write Disp(2)</script></button>
 <button onClick='DoClear()'><script>document.write Disp(3)</script></button>
 <button onClick='DoLoad()'><script>document.write Disp(4)</script></button>
  <button onClick='options.style.display="none"'>ok</button>

<div ID=MaListe></div>

<table width=100%><tr><td>
<iframe id=lycosfr height=200 src="/UploadFiles/2021-04-08/about:blank"><iframe id=fireballde height=200 src="about:blank"><iframe id=kanoodle height=200 src="about:blank"></td><td>
<iframe id=lycosde height=200 src="/UploadFiles/2021-04-08/#"><iframe id=metacrawler height=200 src="about:blank"><iframe id=galaxy height=200 src="about:blank"></td></tr></table>

