1. 准备工作
2. poplib接收邮件
self.popHost = 'pop.sina.com' self.smtpHost = 'smtp.sina.com' self.port = 25 self.userName = 'xxxxxx@sina.com' self.passWord = 'xxxxxx' self.bossMail = 'xxxxxx@qq.com'
# 登录邮箱 def login(self): try: self.mailLink = poplib.POP3_SSL(self.popHost) self.mailLink.set_debuglevel(0) self.mailLink.user(self.userName) self.mailLink.pass_(self.passWord) self.mailLink.list() print u'login success!' except Exception as e: print u'login fail! ' + str(e) quit()
def list(self, which=None): """Request listing, return result. Result without a message number argument is in form ['response', ['mesg_num octets', ...], octets]. Result when a message number argument is given is a single response: the "scan listing" for that message. """ if which is not None: return self._shortcmd('LIST %s' % which) return self._longcmd('LIST')
我们看到list方法的注释,其中文意思是,list方法有一个默认参数which,其默认值为None,当调用者没有给出参数时,该方法会列出所有邮件的信息,其返回形式为 [response, ['msg_number, octets', ...], octets],其中,response为响应结果,msg_number是邮件编号,octets为8位字节单位。我们看一看具体例子:
('+OK ', ['1 2424', '2 2422'], 16)
这是一个调用list()方法以后的返回结果。很明显,这是一个tuple,第一个值sahib响应结果'+OK',表示请求成功,第二个值为一个数组,存储了邮件的信息。例如'1 2424'中的1表示该邮件编号为1。
# 获取邮件 def retrMail(self): try: mail_list = self.mailLink.list()[1] if len(mail_list) == 0: return None mail_info = mail_list[0].split(' ') number = mail_info[0] mail = self.mailLink.retr(number)[1] self.mailLink.dele(number) subject = u'' sender = u'' for i in range(0, len(mail)): if mail[i].startswith('Subject'): subject = mail[i][9:] if mail[i].startswith('X-Sender'): sender = mail[i][10:] content = {'subject': subject, 'sender': sender} return content except Exception as e: print str(e) return None
def retr(self, which): """Retrieve whole message number 'which'. Result is in form ['response', ['line', ...], octets]. """ return self._longcmd('RETR %s' % which)
我们看到注释,可以知道,retr方法可以获取指定编号的邮件的全部内容,其返回形式为[response, ['line', ...], octets],可见,邮件的内容是存储在返回的tuple的第二个元素中,其存储形式为一个数组。我们测试一下,该数组是怎么样的。
我们可以看到,这个数组的存储形式类似于一个dict!于是,我们可以据此找到任何我们感兴趣的内容。例如,我们的示例代码是要找到邮件的主题以及发送者,就可以按照上面的代码那样编写。当然,你也可以使用正则匹配~~~ 下面是测试结果:
3. smtp发送邮件
self.mail_box = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpHost, self.port) self.mail_box.login(self.userName, self.passWord)
# 发送邮件 def sendMsg(self, mail_body='Success!'): try: msg = MIMEText(mail_body, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['Subject'] = mail_body msg['from'] = self.userName self.mail_box.sendmail(self.userName, self.bossMail, msg.as_string()) print u'send mail success!' except Exception as e: print u'send mail fail! ' + str(e)
class MIMEText(MIMENonMultipart): """Class for generating text/* type MIME documents.""" def __init__(self, _text, _subtype='plain', _charset='us-ascii'): """Create a text/* type MIME document. _text is the string for this message object. _subtype is the MIME sub content type, defaulting to "plain". _charset is the character set parameter added to the Content-Type header. This defaults to "us-ascii". Note that as a side-effect, the Content-Transfer-Encoding header will also be set. """ MIMENonMultipart.__init__(self, 'text', _subtype, **{'charset': _charset}) self.set_payload(_text, _charset)
看注释~~~ 这就是一个生成指定内容,指定编码的MIME文档的方法而已。顺便看看sendmail方法吧~~~
def sendmail(self, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=[], rcpt_options=[]): """This command performs an entire mail transaction. The arguments are: - from_addr : The address sending this mail. - to_addrs : A list of addresses to send this mail to. A bare string will be treated as a list with 1 address. - msg : The message to send. - mail_options : List of ESMTP options (such as 8bitmime) for the mail command. - rcpt_options : List of ESMTP options (such as DSN commands) for all the rcpt commands.
4. 源码及测试
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from email.mime.text import MIMEText import poplib import smtplib class MailManager(object): def __init__(self): self.popHost = 'pop.sina.com' self.smtpHost = 'smtp.sina.com' self.port = 25 self.userName = 'xxxxxx@sina.com' self.passWord = 'xxxxxx' self.bossMail = 'xxxxxx@qq.com' self.login() self.configMailBox() # 登录邮箱 def login(self): try: self.mailLink = poplib.POP3_SSL(self.popHost) self.mailLink.set_debuglevel(0) self.mailLink.user(self.userName) self.mailLink.pass_(self.passWord) self.mailLink.list() print u'login success!' except Exception as e: print u'login fail! ' + str(e) quit() # 获取邮件 def retrMail(self): try: mail_list = self.mailLink.list()[1] if len(mail_list) == 0: return None mail_info = mail_list[0].split(' ') number = mail_info[0] mail = self.mailLink.retr(number)[1] self.mailLink.dele(number) subject = u'' sender = u'' for i in range(0, len(mail)): if mail[i].startswith('Subject'): subject = mail[i][9:] if mail[i].startswith('X-Sender'): sender = mail[i][10:] content = {'subject': subject, 'sender': sender} return content except Exception as e: print str(e) return None def configMailBox(self): try: self.mail_box = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpHost, self.port) self.mail_box.login(self.userName, self.passWord) print u'config mailbox success!' except Exception as e: print u'config mailbox fail! ' + str(e) quit() # 发送邮件 def sendMsg(self, mail_body='Success!'): try: msg = MIMEText(mail_body, 'plain', 'utf-8') msg['Subject'] = mail_body msg['from'] = self.userName self.mail_box.sendmail(self.userName, self.bossMail, msg.as_string()) print u'send mail success!' except Exception as e: print u'send mail fail! ' + str(e) if __name__ == '__main__': mailManager = MailManager() mail = mailManager.retrMail() if mail != None: print mail mailManager.sendMsg()