刚才登录Facebook,这次没有如往常登录到登录后首页,而是跳出创始人Mark Zuckerberg的一封信,短短几行字间,折射了这个在互联网所有服务中近乎完美改版过程。
Hey -
——————>一切由Hey开始。Mark Zuckerberg开篇的这个称呼,道明了站方和用户之间亲近关系,一种真诚,亲切,不官腔不做作的娓娓道来态度,从这里也折射了产品随用户成长的设计的思想。与其相似的很多优秀互联网服务也类似这个称呼,比如Flickr等等。作为以个人为中心的Web2.0产品,站方与用户之间的关系体现在产品中的每一处,保持站方角色与用户的平等性与一致性是尊重用户的开始。
At Facebook, our goal is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. More than 90 million people across the world have joined this movement and are using the site to communicate and share information with the people they care about most. Today, we’re happy to invite you to check out the next evolution of our product. We’ve been working on it for a while, so we’re really excited to show it to you.
——————>社会化网络的愿景。这段前两句是Facebook俨然已成为“社会化网络”的影响力描述,也是一句话道明了“社交网络(SNS)”与“社会化网络(Social network)”的结构与区别。由“有源头的信息呈现”组成影响人使用的“有维度的信息获取”,再由信息构成了海量“有针对的信息分享”。社交网络(SNS)是信息结构化的产品形式,而社会化网络(Social network)是社交网络(SNS)结构化形式进化后的呈现。
We had three goals to improve Facebook in this version. First, we wanted to make everything clean and simple to use. Reducing clutter makes it easier for you to find what you’re looking for and share information with others. Second, we wanted to give you more control over your profile. Everyone should be able to express themselves how they want, which means privacy controls and control over how content appears on your profile. Lastly, we wanted to show the most recent and relevant content. People share so much on Facebook that it’s easier to keep up with your friends by focusing on the newest and most important information.
——————>社交体系的极致进化。此次改动的重点为三个方面:1,让信息更加纯净。2,隐私的控制。3,信息传递的精准。这也是衡量社交体系是否牢固的重要支柱。此外还有我们看到这次改版带来信息架构上的变化,这篇Blog描述的比较详尽。文中的Everyone should be able to express themselves how they want和最后的most important information道明了今天的Facebook源动力,以硬信息(如Blog,图片等)会跟随时间轴的流转与世界变化同步,只要时间在流转,用户就可以任意表达自己希望的信息,以广泛的社交关系接触点和坚固的隐私设置为前提保证,这部分信息就会在Facebook这张关系网中形成有效和精准的信息传递。另外,Open API的F8计划之后,越来越多的人加入到产品设计的阵营中,从Top20中可以看到这些小产品侧重对于隐性信息的表达。综合两个角度,社交网络在时间流转下产生的硬信息表达加上开源计划带来生生不息的软信息接触频率,是Facebook进化后的社会化信息呈现。对比国内的开心网,以插件而兴起代表了它的“Office”用户群喜欢被高高挂起,在街头巷角品头论足。后期再想回过头来发展硬信息的表达,已属极其困难之举。不过因为Facebook的 F8计划正热火朝天,从Top列表中挑选一些翻译汉化就可以继续维持这群“Office”用户。与之形成对比的硬信息表达则会真正依赖个人表达,随着时间轴的流转不断产生内容以及影响力,比如5g。
You may have seen the preview Page we created a few months ago to get suggestions from the community on the changes we were thinking about making. I want to thank all of you who wrote in and gave us feedback. It’s always great to hear from people using our products all around the world. As you use the new Facebook, please feel free to let us know what you think using the “Send Feedback” link at the top of new pages.
To try out the new Facebook, look for a banner at the top of every page. If you get lost, there are help links available as well as the option to switch back to the older version for a little while. I hope you enjoy this next evolution of the site as much as we do.
最后,谢谢Mark Zuckerberg和Facebook Team,给这个世界带来的不仅仅是一个社交网络平台。